Crisis Hotline: 706.571.6010
Older victims are less likely to report sexual abuse than younger victims.
Sexual violence can happen to any person at any age. Whether you have experienced abuse as a minor or as an adult, we are here to help.
Georgia Department of Human Services: 866.552.4464 (press 3)
Alabama Adult Protective Services: 800.458.7214
National Elder Fraud Hotline: 833.FRAUD.11 (833.372.8311)
The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS), Division of Aging Services, Adult Protective Services (APS) investigates all reports of abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation of older persons (65+) or an adult (18+) with a disability who do not reside in long-term care facilities pursuant to the Disabled Adults and Elder Person Protection Act, O.C.G.A. § 30- 5-1, et seq.
For persons living in the community, Georgia law requires mandatory reporting of suspected abuse, neglect and/or exploitation by certain professionals who are mandated reporters. Failure for a mandated reporter to report abuse of a disabled adult or elder person is punishable by a criminal misdemeanor. However, all persons are encouraged to report suspected abuse to protective services. Persons who report in good faith are immune from civil or criminal liability. Reporting is kept confidential within the parameters of state law (O.C.G.A. § 30-5-4).
O.C.G.A. § 31-8-80 requires the reporting by administrators, physicians, nurses or other employees of a hospital or facility and the medical examiner, coroner, social worker, Clergyman, police officer or any employee of a public or private agency engaged in professional services to residents or responsible for the inspection of long-term care facilities of any suspected abuse or exploitation of a resident or former resident of a long-term care facility. This report should be made to the Department of Human Services (DHS) or the appropriate law enforcement agency. The Office of Regulatory Services of DHS will then initiate an immediate investigation. Reports are accepted by APS by phone Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 1.866.552.4464 (press 3), online:, or by faxing a referral to 770.408.3001.
Ala. Code §§ 38-9-2, 38-9-8, 38-9-9, 38-9-10.
Who reports? Physicians; Other practitioners of the healing arts; and Caregivers (i.e., an individual who has the responsibility for the care of a protected person as a result of family relationship or who has assumed the responsibility for the care of the person voluntarily, by contract, or as a result of the ties of friendship).
An oral report, either by telephone or otherwise, must be made immediately, followed by a written report. Alabama APS Hotline: 800.458.7214 or 334.242.1350
Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Crimes Against the Elderly, 2003–2013, (2014).